Hi! Welcome to my profile. I'm


A Little about me

A software engineer with 5+ years of professional experience, who's always excited in providing state-of-art technological solutions with a purpose while learning various technologies.

  • Age: 26
  • City: Bangalore, India

Software Development Engineer II

Currently, A Software Engineer - 2 at Intuit, as part of code development team of ProSeries - A tax software product catering to over 70,000 customers and generating over 170 million US Dollars per year. Here, I work on the development of the products of TY22, TY23 using technology stacks in .NET Framework with C#, WPF and also in React.js

  • An AI Enthusiast certified by Tensorflow, who loves building exciting Deep learning models and has a strong hands-on knowledge in Deep learning and Computer Vision through various projects, internships, and publishing IEEE research paper.

  • AWS Certified cloud developer who has a sound hands-on experience in building cloud native applications using Amazon Web Services & Google Cloud Platform.

  • Few other Interests..

  • I love traveling to many different places across the country, to get along with people with different cultures and to gather lots of cool travel stories.

  • I’d always be up for a game of football, be it on turf or on PC/Playstation. I also do love watching football along with other sports.

  • Reading books and gardening are few other activities which I've grown huge interest towards lately.
  • Where I've worked at


    Bangalore, India

    Software Engineer 2

    Oct 2022 - Present
    • Working in core development of ProSeries TY22 & TY23, Professional Tax software products for US which has revenue over 170 million USD.
    • Successfully released 11+ releases for the product, having 50k+ customers in US, using Jenkins and analysed various data in Splunk dashboards.
    • Incorporated Intuit Assist (GenAI platform) into ProSeries TY23, using paved path services to reduce 60% of preparation time for tax preparers.

    Philips Healthcare

    Bangalore, India

    Software Engineer 2

    Oct 2021 - Present
    • Parallelly working in 3 key programs in MR, also extending to Advanced development of CT workflow in IAP
    • Delivered 8+ features for MR Artes release & Service pack
    • Developed and owned 4 major components using proper design patterns with requirements, tests & documentation

    Software Engineer 1

    June 2019 - Sept 2021
    • Implemented features in .NET using BDD with SpecFlow and UI with WPF while ensuring code quality score>95%
    • Addressed customer feedbacks, fixed 26+ product defects.


    Jan 2019 - June 2021
    • Helped in creating a dev framework to independently launch IAP plugins by mocking BU specific components

    Nokia Solutions and Networks

    Chennai, India


    May 2018 - June 2018
    • Worked for product engineering with data analytics & Machine learning and reduced 72% of the defective modules in production line.

    Technocrats Robotics

    VIT Chennai, India

    Embedded Software Engineer

    May 2018 - June 2018
    • Built 2 autonomous and 4 manual robots coordinating across interdisciplinary teams for International Robotics competitions, ABU ROBOCON
    • Comprehensive research in the field of Computer Engineering to build functional robots with high accuracy using ML – Logistic Regression & SVM

    A few projects that I've built

    Patient Monitoring System

    • Rules based Alerting System, a desktop application that provides all the relevant services for hospital staff to remotely monitor all patients and their vitals in the ICU.
    • Developed using C# in .NET Framework with appropriate design patterns and using MVVM architecture for UI Layer.
    • Created RESTful API endpoints using WCF to for various functionalities in alerting and monitoring.
    • Integrated with gating for code metrics, unit tests using NUnit.

    Chatbot - Healthcare Assistance

    • An application that assists the end user in finding a suitable patient monitor/integrated solutions based on all products available along with the list of features of the product or a purchase suggestion based on specific features that the user prefers.
    • Developed in C# with .NET framework integrated with a CI pipeline that builds, runs tests and generates report.
    • Uses MS SQL database to store the pre loaded messages and the information of the products and solutions that are offered.

    AWS Web Application

    • A 3-tiered Cloud native Web application using various AWS services along with a CI/CD pipeline to flawlessly integrate and deploy the updates
    • Created a custom VPC with subnets in a region, across multiple availability zones to deploy the application with high availability and more security.
    • Used node.js with express to create REST APIs with authenticated endpoints using JWT and hosted on EC2 instances under an ALB with autoscaling enabled.
    • RDS is used as the main database server with MySQL provisioned with read replicas. Other AWS services like S3, SES, CodeDeploy, Lambda, CloudWatch.
    • Web application is integrated with CI/CD pipeline which runs tests and deploys the application using CodeDeploy to the servers along with other AWS services like S3, SES, Lambda, CloudWatch.
    • Created the infrastructure with Cloudformation (IaC) for reuse of stacks.

    Document Analyser - GCP

    • An AI system using Google Cloud Platform's DocumentAI service which takes a PDF document (bills/receipts) and extracts the relevant data from it and stores them in Key-Value pairs for further automated analysis.
    • Training data is pulled from the BigQuery public database which has PDF files in Cloud Storage of patents from the United States and European Union.
    • A training pipeline which formats the training data and uses AutoML to build Image Classification, Entity Extraction, Text Classification, and Object Detection models.
    • Results are stored in BigQuery tables to produce results with relevant fields.

    AWS - Music Streaming App (Serverless)

    • An AWS Server-less music streaming application with stack created using AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) - in python.
    • Created using the AWS resources that are created as part of the CDK stack
    • Resources - API Gateway, Lambda, Kinesis Data stream, DynamoDB, S3 bucket


    • A Natural language Processing (NLP) model that skims a research paper and provides a categorical summary of the same.
    • Analyzed various RNN models such as GRU, LSTM and also with CONV1D as RNN
    • Achieved around 82% accuracy over the test set

    Space-X Landing Analysis

    • An end-to-end data science project in python that predicts whether the landing outcome of the SpaceX's Falcon 9 first stage will be successful or not.
    • Data Collection with ETL is done from SpaceX's APIs and wikipedia using BeautifulSoup and requests api.
    • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) through SQL and visualization in plotly
    • Interactive Visual Analytics using Folium and Plotly Dash
    • Predictive analysis using various ML classification models (KNN, Decision tree Classifier, Logistic Regression and SVM) using GridSearchCV to find the optimal hyper-parameters.


    • A deep learning Computer Vision model that identifies an image of any food item (over 101 food categories)
    • Uses EfficientB0 model architecture which has over 5.3 Million parameters
    • Trained the model using transfer learning, by fine tuning the last 10 layers over a dataset of 101000 images (1000 images in each category)
    • Achieved around 89% accuracy over the test set.

    Photoscope - Desktop Application

    • An image search desktop application, similar to Google images, where you can search and view images from Flickr on Desktop.
    • Created using .NET Framework and WPF to create the client UI and the functionalities.
    • Developed using MVVM framework for UI - Service layer interaction, through appropriate design patterns.
    • Service layer uses the Flickr API to search for images in the web using various search parameters and displays a feed with photos and it's comments
    • Functionalities such as Caches, Logging, Multi-threading, memory-management and pipeline for seemless developement is also Incorporated with this developement.

    Snake And Ladder Game - WPF

    • A simple snake and ladder game developed using WPF
    • Created in .NET framework with C# including timers, dynamic bindings, etc.

    Technology stacks that I've worked on

    Please reach out to me

    I love to build many interesting projects on my own time, and I'll always be up to colloborate on building new stuffs and exploring new technologies, So please feel free to contact me if you are looking to team up or even to have some nice coffee chat.

    Call or Whatsapp me at :

    +91 95975 77377


    Bangalore, India

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